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Monday, July 3, 2017

Day 27 - Whittier

We left Anchorage heading south. The wind along the coast was nasty and cold. The scenery was
beautiful but sunshine would have been appreciated!
We stopped a couple of times along the way and when you look at the pictures notice how the trees and branches are leaning because of the wind.

We found a nice campground early along the road to Whittier but of course the rain had started by then. We set up across from each other. After a quick lunch we headed for the tunnel. It is about 2 ½ miles long and has set times because it is a one way tunnel and you have to share it with the train and alternate direction traffic. We got there just in time and only had to wait 11 minutes for our turn. The girl in the ticket booth said (even though I asked nicely) that I could not blow my horn in the tunnel.
Whittier was not the best looking town, but very interesting. The earthquake and resulting tsunami in 1964 devastated the community.

There was an in depth museum that talked about the history with pictures, displays, and reader signs.
Back through the tunnel and a stop at the Chugach National Forest visitor’s center. We watched a movie that told about the area and walked through a bunch of interactive displays. The views would have been much better if we had a little less weather, but they were still great.
We made a whole pot of chili. The last time we made chili, there were no left overs. This time we made a little extra. Still no left overs!
Molly and I walked to the salmon viewing area and saw no salmon. We followed the trail beside the stream up to a couple of ponds. We saw evidence that bears do “do it” in the woods. Moose do it too. But we saw no animals.

We drug our wet selves home. As I told the Aussie guy in the parking lot, if we were looking for good weather we would have gone to Arizona!

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