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Monday, July 17, 2017

Day - 41 Mountain Shadow

We left Big Creek Campground after another run in the gravel pit with a wet dog. We filled up with gas at the junction of highway 37 just before Watson Lake. When you look at a map and see a road you never know what you are getting into. Cathy, of course, has the magic book which gave us road conditions as they were two years ago.
Highway 37 is a winding, narrow road through the mountains, lakes and trees of Yukon and Northern British Columbia.

This is bear country! We saw at least five black bears crossing the road or on the side of the road.
We stopped at Jade City, but we were not impressed. They did have free coffee.

Cathy found us a small RV park Mountain Shadow RV Park. We turned on a dirt driveway that went down to an open meadow on the side of a lake with spectacular mountain views.
We set up and went for a walk along the lake looking for bears and moose, but we only saw an eagle sitting in a tree and then majestically fly over the top of us.
The pictures show us in jackets and then you can guess how the weather is!

The people who run the park live there most of the year except to go south to visit family. They said the snow isn’t too bad right there but the surrounding area gets lots.
Shopping is about 250 – 300 miles away, but she will order stuff from Wal-Mart and they have free shipping if the order is over $50 so they take good advantage of that service.
We bought some home made huckleberry jam. I asked if they picked their own huckleberries and she said yes, he carries the gun and I do the picking. Remember this is bear country!

We BBQ’d steak and the girls made hash browns.
Another good meal!

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