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Monday, July 3, 2017

Day 29 - Seward

It’s called Mt. Marathon and sticks up 4,000 feet above Seward. I found the trail head for the hiking trail, but there is also a “Racing Trail” that is steeper and not recommended for sane individuals. Every 4th of July they run a race up the racing trail. For the sane people there is the hiking trail. Molly and I went up the steep hiking trail for about ½ mile and I let her run loose.
I put it on my to-do list to bring the bear spray and see how high we could go.

Seward has a sea life center that has sea birds and animals in displays that mimic their natural habitat. The animals have been rescued and the ones that cannot be returned to the wild are displayed for our pleasure and education. It is really well done and quite an experience to see them from above and beneath the water.

Home for lunch and pick up Molly then we went looking for salmon. There is a salmon viewing area and one of Cathy’s friends told her where it was. Somehow we missed it and went a few miles too far and then walked a mile to a stream where there were no salmon.
On our way back to the main road we saw the sign. The sign was facing the wrong way and we could not read it going in but we read it real well on the way out.
So we watched fish try to climb the waterfall. There were lots of fish lined up waiting their turn.
It was pretty cool.

Our last stop was Exit Glacier. Bill, Cathy, Aris, and Bertha walked up to the glacier, while Hedda and I took care of Molly.

Dinner was chicken courtesy of Aris.
Bill, Molly and I took our evening stroll up Mt. Marathon hiking trail. We got up above the tree line and had a great view. We met some guys coming down who had been up to the top. They were muddy and tired. One asked us if that bear spray we were carrying really worked. We told him we weren’t sure, but if he wanted to try it out we would soak him in bacon grease and turn him loose. He could send us a written report on it’s effectiveness and if we didn’t hear from him we would assume it didn’t work. He declined our offer.

Well that was high enough for us that night so we went home to bed.  

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