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Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Day 39 - Skagway

Weather.  We have had good and bad weather.  Most days when we have had something planned when we needed good weather we have had it.  Such as our fishing trip.  We had one really nice day in Haines and since then it has been rain.  My hoody has not dried out and my waterproof hiking boots are wet.
I took Molly up the hill on the Dewey Lakes Trail and I was really wet when we got home.  We keep a towel by the door to dry Molly off when we get back, but she still tracks in wet and mud.

The train leaves at 12:45, but we need to be there early to get our tickets.  We had planned on leaving pretty early to do some walking around and shopping.  The wet weather put a damper on that idea.  We got there early enough to hit a store across the street and found a "big ass bear bell" for Cathy.
Then we just waited around.  They finally called our boarding and we went outside in the wet and cold only to wait some more and then be herded across the street to catch our train.
The train ride was very interesting in the history that it covers.  There are some spectacular views and we could even see the actual trail that took the gold rushers over the White pass.  I have been on other mountain trains that were more dramatic in their mountain climbing, but because I have always been interested in the Alaskan and Klondike gold rush I really enjoyed the trip.

We got back and went to the Bonanza for hot chocolate, coffee, Irish coffee, and a beer.
Aris and the girls went shopping and I went back to take Molly out.
As soon as I got to the trailer I saw Bill struggling with his awning and our awning was jammed.  Bill got his closed but the fabric was torn.  Ours took some muscle and manhandling to get it closed.  We drilled some holes and safety wired it shut.  It will take some fixing when we get home.  The worst part was that when we were leaving, Hedda said shouldn't we close the awning?  I said it would be fine.  Should have listened!
We went out to dinner at The Skagway Fish Company.  Our last chance for Alaskan fish...until we get home!
Molly, Bill and I went for a walk along the tracks and through the back streets of town.  Still windy and cold.

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