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Sunday, June 11, 2017

Day - 10

They were large and hungry. They flocked around the window looking at any bare skin like the menu at McDonalds. I thought that these were real Yukon mosquitoes! It was pouring rain. The rain intensified just as we pulled into the campground. Bill and I walked around and we found a spot where we could park the trailers side by side. We set up fast in the rain and only got wet where the disposable rain coats didn’t cover which when you think about it was quite a bit.
Four people going in and out of the door, even doing as fast as we can let in a bunch of those blood thirsty monsters.
Dinner consisted of BBQ’d teriyaki steaks, baked potatoes, baked beans, and salad. While I was BBQing the rest of the crew was attacking the hungry hordes that had invaded our sanctuary. Here it is hours later and we are still killing them!
I think it will be bug spray and sheets over our heads when we go to bed tonight.
These Canadian vampires seem to prefer the Dutch blood to mine, a fact that I enjoy, but feel guilty about.
I have heard rumors that the Canadian Government pays a bounty for dead bugs, and we have thousands of dollars worth on the front of our truck and trailer. I just haven’t found out where to collect it.

We left Toad River this morning in sunshine and warm temps. We started seeing black bears and bison almost right away. We saw a good herd of bison with calves in the middle of a (and I quote the warning sign) “Extreme dust” so we couldn’t stop and take pictures.
I finally told Cathy not to bother stopping for bears and bison anymore, we have enough pictures. We will make exceptions for grizzlies and baby bison.

The rain started about the time we stopped for $4 gas at small out of the way lodge. It kept raining harder and harder until we stopped to buy groceries. Milk was more expensive than gas by about $2 per gallon.
We bought two new batteries for the trailer a few days ago, so we will see how they work as we camp without hook ups.

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