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Sunday, June 25, 2017


We have always said that Molly would not be a good "apartment dog".  At home we have a huge yard for her to run in and I take her out in the desert to chase rabbits and whistle pigs everyday.  Now we put two people in her back seat of her truck and we drive for six hours!  Then we live in a tiny trailer with four people and she has to be on a leash in the RV parks.  It's no wonder that she gets a little crazy.  Of course when she goes crazy I get mad and even though I try not to show it she knows it.  We have been working out our differences and have progressed in our dog treat therapy to where we are now working out our differences pretty well.
I have worked hard to find places that are safe for her to run free.  It has not been easy, but most of the time I can find somewhere.  The hardest spot was near Denali.  We took long walks but there was no place to let her loose.  I noticed a small dirt road off in the woods near the park entrance and we jumped in the truck after she had been in the kennel all day when we went for our bus ride.  There was no "No Trespassing" signs, but it was obviously private property.  We went anyway and we were not arrested and Molly got to chase squirrels.
So far the best place has been here on Elmandorf AFB.  I have found some great places to wander, but we have to watch out for bears and porcupines.

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